Earth Science Office

Current Huntsville, Alabama Weather Conditions
Observed at the National Space Science and Technology Center
320 Sparkman Drive, Huntsville, AL

Satellite Images | Raingauge Network

This site is no longer being maintained. Real-time weather data from the NSSTC are now available from The Weather Underground.

Weather Links

Conditions at 12/1/16 2:05pm

Temperature and Dewpoint graph

Barometric pressure graph

Wind speed graph

Wind speed graph with gusts

Wind direction graph

Hourly precipitation

Temperature 56.3°F
Dew Point (suspect) 37.9 °F
Humidity (suspect) 50 %
Barometer 30.05 in
Rate -0.008 in/hr
Wind Direction WNW
Wind Speed 9 mph
Wind Chill 54.1 °F
Rainfall for Today 0.00 in
Rainfall Rate 0.000 in/hr
Yearly Total Rainfall 33.73 in
Today's Extremes
High Temperature 56.3 °F at 1:17pm
Low Temperature 38.7 °F at 6:48am
Low Wind Chill 37.7 °F at 6:26am
Peak Wind Gust 21 mph at 12:03pm
Astronomical Data

Moon Phase

Sunrise 6:36am
Sunset 4:36pm
Moonrise 8:09am
Moonset 6:39pm

Updated Automatically by Ambient Software's Virtual Weather Station V14.01

Responsible Official: Dr. Gary Jedlovec (
Page Curator: Kevin M. McGrath (