Inverse Passive Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm
Dielectric Mixing Model
Correction Procedures

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The theory behind microwave remote sensing of soil moisture is based on the large contrast between the dielectric properties of liquid water (~ 80) and dry soil (< 4). The dielectric properties of wet soil were studied by several investigators (e.g., Wang and Schmugge, 1980; Dobson et al., 1985; Ulaby et al., 1986). As the moisture increases, the dielectric constant of the soil-water mixture increases and this change is detectable by microwave sensors (Njoku and Kong, 1977). The emission of microwave energy is proportional to the product of the surface temperature and the surface emissivity, which is commonly referred to as the microwave brightness temperature (TB). For typical soil moisture applications using longer microwave wavelengths at low altitude, temperature contributions from the atmosphere and the sky can be neglected. Thus, the brightness temperature of an emitter of microwave radiation is related to the physical temperature of the source through the emissivity such that


where R is the smooth surface reflectivity, Tsfc is the thermometric temperature of the soil surface, and e=(1-R) is the emissivity, which depends on the dielectric constant of the medium being measured (Schmugge, 1990). Although the relationship between emissivity and TB is linear, water has a nonlinear dependence on reflectivity because the reflection coefficient of the water, R, is related in a nonlinear manner to the dielectric constant of water. The reflectivity is described by the Fresnel equation that defines the behavior of electromagnetic waves at a smooth dielectric boundary. For horizontally polarized waves (H) at non-nadir incidence (a ), the Fresnel reflection coefficient is given by


where e is the complex dielectric constant of the emitter. Since the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection for a smooth surface, the apparent temperature, the sky temperature and the atmospheric temperature are functions of a only. Through inversion of the Fresnel equation, we obtain an estimate of the effective dielectric constant of the emitting layer as


which reduces to a quadratic equation.

Dielectric Mixing Model

Alternatively, soil dielectric properties have been estimated based on mixing formulae that describe the partitioning of dielectric properties among the various soil components as a function of water content. In our research, the dielectric mixing model of Wang and Schmugge (1980) was inverted to estimate volumetric water content from the dielectric properties of the soil-water-air mixture using eeff from remote sensing. Wang and Schmugge (1980) recognized that the relationship between volumetric soil moisture and dielectric constant was comprised of two distinct parts separated at a transition moisture value, q t , defined by


where qwp is an empirical approximation of the wilting point moisture based on the sand and clay mass fractions given by



Unique equations describe the relationship between dielectric constant and soil moisture at moisture content less than and greater than the transition moisture. For soil moisture less than q t ,










where e w , e i , and e r are the dielectric constants for water, ice, and rock, respectively, P is the soil porosity, and



The dielectric constants for ice and rock are parameters estimated at 3.2 and 5.5, respectively (Ulaby et al., 1986). For soil moisture greater than q t ,






The real part of the complex dielectric constant for free water is calculated at a given frequency, f, and temperature, T, using a modified Debye equation (after Ulaby et al., 1986)



The magnitude of the high frequency dielectric constant, e w¥ , was determined by Lane and Saxton (1952) to be 4.9. The static dielectric constant of pure water (dimensionless), e w0 , is (Klein and Swift, 1977)



The relaxation time of pure water is given by (Stogryn, 1970)





Although it is desirable to use complete and physically based models to estimate soil moisture from microwave remote sensing instruments, it is rarely possible to obtain the ancillary data these require (Jackson, 1993). Consequently, application of the Fresnel equation requires assumptions that the dielectric and temperature properties of the soil are uniform throughout the emitting layer, that emissivity is related principally to the real part of the complex dielectric constant, and that one has knowledge of the soil depth emitting the energy being measured. There are several additional considerations that also should be incorporated in a data interpretation algorithm. Jackson et al. (1997) provides a comprehensive review of many of these issues. Only recently has the validity of the Fresnel equation been demonstrated within this framework (Jackson and Le Vine, 1996; Jackson et al., 1997).


Correction Procedures

The algorithm used in this study follows that of Jackson (1993). From Eq. (1), it is clear that observed microwave emission depends on both soil moisture and temperature. Because soil moisture and temperature are not independent, we must normalize the observed brightness temperature by the effective radiating temperature of the soil if we are to relate TB to soil moisture. As described by Choudhury et al. (1982), effective temperature, Teff , may be defined as



where Tsfc is the observed surface temperature, Td is the deep (e.g. 15 cm) soil temperature, and C is an empirically-defined weighting function based on the relative contribution of individual layers to the microwave emission at the soil surface. Normalizing TB with respect to Teff helps to reduce the diurnal hysteresis.

Because the observed microwave emission also depends on the amount of scattering that takes place at the soil surface, compensation is required for rough surfaces. A simple model for correcting for the effects of surface roughness was developed by Choudhury et al. (1979), in which the smooth surface reflectivity is



where Rr is the rough surface reflectivity at look angle a , and h is



where s2 is the variance of the height distribution of the surface, and l is the observed wave-length. In practice, however, Eq. (18) tends to exaggerate the effect of roughness and is used mainly as a guideline.

In the presence of vegetation, energy is attenuated requiring a compensating correction. After an extensive review of research on the effects of vegetation on microwave energy transmission, Jackson and Schmugge (1991) proposed a simple model based on the relationship between the optical depth and vegetation water content. In this model, vegetation-corrected emissivity, ec , becomes (after Shutko, 1986; Jackson and O’Neill, 1990)



where g is the transmissivity of the absorbing layer defined by (Kirdiashev et al., 1979),



where t is the optical depth. Jackson and Schmugge (1991) described optical depth as a function of the vegetation water content, Wv , by



where s is an empirically derived value for the slope of the regression between Wv and t . This correlation is very conducive to remote sensing applications because proxies for vegetation water content can be obtained by other remote sensing methods.


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Responsible Official: Dr. James E. Arnold (
Technical Contact: Charles Laymon (
Page Curator: Diane Samuelson (

Last Updated: December 30, 1999