
Air Quality

SPoRT researchers developed a streamflow product to provide a two to seven day forecast for flooding events for rivers and creeks across the United States. NASA SPoRT’s streamflow product integrates Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPFs) from the Weather Prediction Center (WPC), National Blend of Models (NBM), and the Global Forecast System (GFS), as well as NASA SPoRT’s Real-Time Land Information System (LIS) Relative Soil Moisture data, and observations from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) river gauges. From these inputs, NASA SPoRT’s streamflow product uses machine learning (ML) to analyze patterns and predict future stream heights of various rivers and creeks across the United States.

NASA SPoRT is currently expanding its streamflow product to include more rivers and creeks in the United States. There are also plans on expanding the streamflow products capabilities and methodologies to capture how flash flooding and rain on snow event impacts rivers and creeks across the United States.

Technical Contact: Dr. Emily Berndt (emily.b.berndt@nasa.gov)
Responsible Official: Dr. Andrew Molthan (andrew.molthan@nasa.gov)
Page Curator: Paul Meyer (paul.meyer@nasa.gov)
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