Christopher Tracy

Christopher Tracy

Christopher Tracy

Mr. Tracy possesses a B.S. in Meteorology from Iowa State University and an M.S. in Atmospheric Science from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. His master’s thesis work was centered around determining the non-randomness of summertime convective initiation over northern Alabama through a dual-summer geographic & and meteorological feature analysis. He now supports the SpoRT team as a Jacobs software developer focusing on satellite imagery, data processing, and web development. Previously he worked as a graduate research assistant under Dr. John Mecikalski at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, where he developed a convective initiation detection algorithm for his thesis using data from the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) radar mosaic.

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  • Software Developer, June 2022 - present, Jacobs Technology/NASA SPoRT - Huntsville, AL
  • Graduate Research Assistant, August 2019 - May 2022, University of Alabama in Huntsville - Huntsville, AL
Technical Contact: Dr. Emily Berndt (
Responsible Official: Dr. Gary Jedlovec (
Page Curator: Paul Meyer (
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