
Journal Articles by Surface Hydrology Personnel
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Publication Information
Limaye A. S. , W. L. Crosson, and C. A. Laymon. Estimating accuracy in optimal deconvolution of synthetic AMSR-E observations. abstract Remote Sensing of Environment, 100: 133-142 2006
Crosson W. L., A. S. Limaye and C. A. Laymon Parameter sensitivity of soil moisture retrievals from airborne C- and X-band radiometer measurements in SMEX02.   IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing: 43 (12): 2842-2853 2005
Crosson W. L., A. S. Limaye and C. A. Laymon. . Parameter sensitivity of soil moisture retrievals from airborne L-band radiometer measurements in SMEX02.   IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43 (7): 1517-1528 2005
Jackson T. J., R. Bindlish, A. J. Gasiewski, B. Stankov, M. Klein, E. G. Njoku, D. Bosch, T. L. Coleman, C. A. Laymon,
and P. Starks
Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer C- and X-Band Microwave Observations During SMEX03 abstract IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43 (11): 2418-2430 2005

Laymon, C. and D. Quattrochi

Estimating spatially-distributed surface fluxes in a semi-arid great-basin desert using Landsat TM data.   in Quattrochi, D. and Luvall, J., eds., Thermal Remote Sensing in Land Surface Processes, Taylor-Francis, London, U.K. 2004
Limaye A. S., W. L. Crosson, C. A. Laymon and E. G. Njoku Landcover based Optimal Deconvolution of PALS L-band Microwave Brightness Temperatures. abstract Rem. Sens. Environ. 92(4): 497-506 2004
Limaye A. S., K. P. Paudel, F. Musleh, J. F. Cruise, and L. U. Hatch Economic impacts of water allocation on agriculture in the lower Chattahoochee river basin. abstract Hydrological Science and Technology Journal. 20(1-4): 75-92. 2004
Njoku E., T. Chan, W. Crosson, and A. Limaye Evaluation of the AMSR-E Data Calibration over Land.   Italian Journal of Remote Sensing, 30/31: 19-37 2004
Tsegaye, T.D., W.L. Crosson, C.A. Laymon, M.P. Schamschula and A.B. Johnson Application of a neural network-based spatial disaggregation scheme for addressing scaling of soil moisture.   In Scaling Methods in Soil Physics, Y. Pachepsky, D.E. Radcliffe and H.M. Selim, Eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 261-277. 2003

Crosson, W.L., C.A. Laymon, R. Inguva and C. Bowman

Comparison of two microwave radiobrightness models and validation with field measurements. abstract IEEE Trans. on Geosci. and Rem. Sens., 40, 143-152 2002
Crosson, W.L., C.A. Laymon, R. Inguva and M. Schamschula Assimilating remote sensing data in a surface flux-soil moisture model. abstract Hydrol. Proc., 16, 1645-1662 2002

Laymon, C.A., W.L. Crosson, T.J. Jackson, A. Manu and T.D. Tsegaye

Ground-based passive microwave remote sensing observations of soil moisture at S-band and L-band with insight into measurement accuracy.   IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., 39, 1844-1858 2001
Limaye A. S., T. M. Boyington, J. F. Cruise, A. Bulusu and E. Brown Macroscale Hydrologic Modeling for Regional Climate Assessment Studies in the Southeastern United States.   J. Am. Water Resources Assn. 37(3), 709-722 2001
Martinez, J.E., C.E. Duchon and W.L. Crosson Effect of the number of soil layers on a modeled surface water budget. abstract Water Resources Res., 37, 367-377 2001
Quattrochi, D., J. Luvall, D. Rickman, M. Estes, C. Laymon, B. Howell A decision support system for urban landscape management using thermal infrared data.   Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 66(10), 1195-1207 2000

Cruise, J. F., A. S. Limaye and N. Al-Abed

Assessment of impacts of climate change on water quality in the Southeastern United States.   J. Am. Water Resources Assn., 35(6):1539-1550 1999
Famiglietti, J. S., J. A. Devereaux, C.A. Laymon, T. Tsegaye, P. R. Houser, T.J. Jackson, S. T. Graham, M. Rodell and P.J. vanOevelen Ground-based investigation of soil moisture variability within remote sensing footprints during SGP97.   Water Resources Research, 38(6), 1839-1851 1999
Judge, J., A.W. England, W.L. Crosson, C.A. Laymon, B.K. Hornbuckle, D.L. Boprie, E.J. Kim and Y.A. Liou A growing season land surface process/radiobrightness model for wheat-stubble in the Southern Great Plains.   IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., IGARSS ‘98 special issue, GE-37, 2152-2158 1999
Laymon, C.A., W. Belisle, T. Coleman, W. Crosson, A. Fahsi, T. Jackson, A. Manu, P. O’Neill, Z. Senwo and T. Tsegaye Huntsville ’96: An experiment in ground-based microwave remote sensing of soil moisture.   International Jour. Remote Sens., 20(4), 823-828 1999
Laymon, C., D. Quattrochi, E. Malek, L. Hipps, J. Boettinger, G. McCurdy Remotely-sensed regional-scale evapotranspiration of a semi-arid great basin desert and its relationship to geomorphology, soils, and vegetation.   Geomorphology, 21, 329-352 1998
Limaye A., G. E. Bingham, R. W. Gunderson, E. B. Kluzek and J. P. Riley Linking Atmospheric and Hydrologic Models at the Basin Scale.   Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 21(3), 211-218 1996
Crosson, W.L., C.E. Duchon, R. Raghavan and S.J. Goodman Assessment of rainfall estimates using a standard Z-R relationship and the probability matching method applied to composite radar data in central Florida.   J. Appl. Meteor., 35, 1203-1219 1996
Cooper, H.J., E.A. Smith, and W.L. Crosson Limitations in estimating surface sensible heat fluxes from surface and satellite radiometric skin temperatures.   J. Geophys. Res., 100, 25419-25427 1995
Duchon, C.E., T.M. Renkevens and W.L. Crosson Estimation of daily area-average rainfall during the CaPE experiment in central Florida.   J. Appl. Meteor., 34, 2704-2714 1995
McNider, R.T., A.J. Song, D.M. Casey, P.J. Wetzel, W.L. Crosson and R.M. Rabin Toward a dynamic-thermodynamic assimilation of satellite surface temperature in numerical atmospheric models.   Mon. Wea. Rev., 122, 2784-2803. 1994


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