Jayanthi Srikishen

Jayanthi Srikishen

Jayanthi Srikishen

Ms. Srikishen has worked with the MSFC/UAH Earth Science group for over 25 years on numerous projects. Her expertise includes scalar, vector, parallel and distributed programming, various programming languages, data conversion and organization of very large weather datasets, software development tools including compilers and debuggers. She is also responsible for implementing and modifying scientific weather models used in numerical simulations and visualization systems used to model and analyze atmospheric data.

Contact at: jayanthi.srikishen@nasa.gov



  • Computational Scientist (1987 - Present), USRA/NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL
  • Programmer (1985 - 1986), LPI/USRA, Houston, TX
Technical Contact: Dr. Emily Berndt (emily.b.berndt@nasa.gov)
Responsible Official: Dr. Andrew Molthan (andrew.molthan@nasa.gov)
Page Curator: Paul Meyer (paul.meyer@nasa.gov)
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